Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Losing Pam

It seems that I've been posting pretty serious stuff lately. I really will post something happy and crazy sometime.

I lost a very good friend Sunday, after a 10 year battle with cancer. Her name is Pam Hunsaker and she's been the Treasurer at American Fork City for the past 24 years. Pam is the type of person that everyone flocks around. She's loud, cute, funny, smart, always happy. We have had some great experiences over the past 12+ years that I've been the Cedar City Treasurer. We've spent time playing in Chicago, Salt Lake City, San Diego, and St. George. We've gone on boat tours, watched fireworks, eaten waaaaaaay too much and enjoyed every minute.

One of our best trips was to Chicago in 2005. Rick had been in Iraq for about a month, so he was otherwise occupied. Justin and Chris met us all in Chicago to spend the week playing. I flew from Cedar to Salt Lake and the rest of the way with Jolene Jackson, Claire White and Pam. As we got off the plane and went to retrieve our luggage, there stood Justin and Chris waiting for us. Pam, Jolene and I are all within a year of each other, Claire a little older. I think Justin and Chris weren't really sure what to do with all us women, and they named us "The Premarin Patrol". We shopped, ate, played, and ate some more. In between, we actually found time to attend our training. We had a great time and it will always be one of my favorite trips. Here are Pam and I in Chicago.

This is Pam lovin' on a male mannequin during our Chicago trip. Pam was always like this. It didn't matter if she was feeling under the weather, she was the life of all the parties. She is such a great example of endurance and love.

Pam has 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls. Her oldest son just got married in November and I understand that she felt well enough to have Thanksgiving dinner at her house in November. It was just the first part of December, after feeling so tired and run down, she went to the doctor and was told to get on hospice, there was nothing they could do for the cancer, that had spread so quickly and so far.

Bless her heart, she fought a good fight, for 10 long years. She so wanted to stay with her family, and us her friends, that love her so much. Thinking about her today I just know that Heavenly Father is having the time of his life. He's enjoyed watching her from afar, now that she's there with Him, she is totally entertaining Him. She will absolutely keep Heaven hopping.

For our friends that were to our conference in St. George in May, remember Pam the professional "butt drummer". This will always make us laugh and remind us how short life can be. We love you Pammie and will miss you so much.

Me, Jolene, Deanna and Pam having fun in Chicago.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I am so sorry for your loss of such a wonderful, vivacious friend. What a nice tribute to her.