Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving 2010

I'm so very grateful today for many, many things and most of all many special people.

Good parents, Rick, Justin, Baxter, all the Bonzo's that spent time and effort to help make this Thanksgiving one of the best, and spending time here with us. Baxie loving the kids and being so patient and calm. A hot shower after cooking and cleaning most of the morning, Starbucks, Rick and Justin setting up all the tables and chairs for our dinner.

We had such an amazing day with Rick's family; Eric, Lisa and their family; Todd, Lorie and their family; Dayne, Cortney and their kids; David and Ione, Uncle Doug and our adopted Bonzo, Kristin. We missed Paul this year and Scott wasn't here either. We had a fabulous day, lots to eat and such good company. We enjoyed the company of 27 people today, what a blessing family is. Isn't that what Thanksgiving is all about? Celebrating family!!

Baxter says he's grateful for a a quiet house.

Happy Thanksgiving all!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The day before Thanksgiving, 11/24/10

1. Looking forward to Rick's awesome family coming for Thanksgiving, along with a good friend, Kristin.
2. The special feeling I have today of thankfulness and joy.
3. Sleeping in this morning - till 5:45. BUT no exercise today - not good.
4. Pizza Factory for lunch with my little mom and Justin.
5. Last day of work until 12/8/10, Vancouver here I come.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

1. Justin's company.
2. Spirit Fitness and my men.
3. Starbuck's.
4. Having an evening at home with my men.
5. Warm, flannel loungers.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

1. Good workout with Rick AND Justin - YAY!!!
2. A good job with people I love and respect.
3. My cute little mom and her ALWAYS positive attitude.
4. Knowing Justin is home enjoying the day with Baxter.
5. Game night at Youth Corrections.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

1. Rick and Justin going to church with me. I wasn't alone today!
2. Cute little Bonnie Bringard, getting to take her home after church, with my men.
3. Sunday dinner at Grandma Cowan's.
4. Awesome nieces and nephews who let me share their children every Sunday night.
5. Snow - not the cold, but the snow was beautiful.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

1. VERY grateful that Justin and I talked last night, otherwise he would have been stranded at the Vegas airport for about 12 hours.
2. So very grateful for the blessing of being a mother.
3. A dependable car.
4. Washer and dryer, Justin has clean bedding.
5. Rick!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

1. TGIF - it's been a busy, crazy week. And it continues.........
2. Prilosec.
3. Justin coming tomorrow - YEA!!!
4. Beautiful November weather - at least for today.
5. Water.

Kind of weird gratitude's for today, but honest.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Happy 89th Birthday to my Cute Little Mom

So very grateful today for the many blessings of family.

1. My best friend, my little mom. Such a great example of enduring to the end - graciously. She's been without her sweetheart for over 25 years, and she still pushes forward.
2. Her example of love.
3. That I just recently realized where my argumentative nature comes from - HER.
4. That she forgives me when I'm short tempered with her, I would never hurt her feelings on purpose, but sometimes I act like a jerk.
5. That she's still here with us, loving us, leading us by her example and just being our little mom.

I love you mom, so glad I get to be with you and daddy forever!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Gratitude's for today:

1. Justin is on his way home from South Africa. I love that he is able to travel so much, but always glad when he gets back home again. Besides, he still needs to travel again, this time "home" for Thanksgiving and to pick me up, so I can go home with him.
2. Enoch First Ward had our "Year in Review" last night with popcorn and drinks - AND - Rick went with me. Our Ward is awesome and he feels loved even though he seldom sees the good people in our Ward.
3. Lunch with my little mom today.
4. Pizza Factory!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

November 16, 2010

1. Integrity, even though it's so hard sometimes to do what is right, knowing someone is going to be unhappy with you.
2. The beautiful blue sky I saw on my way to work this morning.
3. The heater under my desk, allowing for one more day of sandals.
4. Just 4 more days until we pick Justin up in Las Vegas.
5. Reading the scriptures, wrapped in an afghan, while Baxter eats on the patio.

November 15, 2010

1. The auditor's at work. They've been great AND they are done!
2. Subway - my favorite Monday lunch place.
3. Reading on my iPad, can't believe how much I use that silly thing.
4. Going home to Rick and Baxter, who had a great day together.
5. Youth Corrections and getting to know Chase better.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

1. No meetings to attend other than regular Church meetings.
2. Kipp Lewis. He's going to Canada on a mission and he talked today about not being interested in a mission, going to church, reading the scriptures, etc. He told of spending time with his cute "Grimshaw" grandparents and talking about the Gospel while having lunch and the special feeling that was in their home. This made his decision clear, and he enters the MTC tomorrow.
3. The very strong spirit that was in Sacrament Meeting.
4. The Relief Society sisters, and being able to serve them.
5. Going to moms for Sunday dinner and spending time with my awesome family.

AND a 6th today, so grateful that Alayna was able to go home with her cute little family, that their new baby will stay "put" for a while longer.

I LOVE my families!!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

1. The rewarding feeling of a clean house.
2. Spending time with my cute little mom and visiting aunt Pat.
3. The beautiful fall day that is was.
4. Attending Worldwide training, listening to the instructions and feeling the spirit.
5. Finally crawling into bed at the end of a great day.

November 12, 2010

Much to be grateful for today.

1. Going to the Temple with little Bonnie Bringard.
2. Feeling the Spirit at the Temple such a calm, happy feeling.
3. All of us looking alike in the Temple.
4. Spending time with some of my favorite Ward Family at the Temple.
5. Feeling refreshed at the end of the day.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Veteran's Day 2010

What can I say:

1. The Veteran's in my life, Rick, David, Randy, Shay and my precious dad.
2. The feeling of awe saying the Pledge of Allegiance and singing The Star Spangled Banner.
3. Flags.
4. Living in a free country, because of the brave service of our veteran's.
5. My veteran's license plate.

Salute our veteran's and give them the respect they deserve.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Gratitude's for today:

1. Warm sweaters on cold days.
2. Having a Friday on a Wednesday.
3. Pillows. Big, soft pillows on my bed.
4. A bagel for breakfast. I know they aren't as healthy as once thought, but hey, it's early in the day and those carbs will be gone by bedtime. I love bagels.
5. Water, what would I do without a big bottle of water on my desk every day? I drink tons of water every day. Love, love, love water.

Happy Wednesday/Friday.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Crazy day in my world.

1. VERY competent people in the office. Customers can be very mean and almost impossible to be nice to. I work with THE best people.
2. Treadmill in the basement so I didn't have to leave home this morning to work out.
3. Crockpots.
4. Car seat warmers.
5. Baxter's toy, "oink", together they make me smile.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Gratitude's for 11/8/10

I was a slacker over the weekend, I didn't even get on the computer, so no gratitude's for Saturday or Sunday. However, that doesn't mean I didn't have much to be grateful for, like dinner with my cute little mom on Saturday and awesome Church on Sunday.

1. The cuddly warmth of the furnace this morning and the feeling of contentment it brought. It gave me the feeling of the holiday's.
2. Cute little Bonnie Bringhard going to the Temple on Friday, which I just happen to have off. She's worked hard and is looking forward to June when she and Sam can be sealed.
3. Rick and Baxter still in bed when I left for work. No work for Rick today, just work at home with Baxie.
4. The beautiful fall leaves on my little "droopy" tree in the front yard. I'll post a picture later this week.
5. Three (3) work days this week. YAY for me!! That means work at home, but that's good.

Happy Monday!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Friday, November 5, 2010

Today's gratitude's:

1. Susan Lewis - she's amazing and such a good example to me.
2. My neighbors - I live on the bestest street.
3. Enoch First Ward - the most loving, accepting Ward.
4. Lunch with my iPad - by myself.
5. Friday night at home with Baxter.
6. Nix the night with Baxter - going to the Ward party with cute little Bonnie Bringard.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

November 4, 2010

Gratitude's for today:

1. A hot shower after a good workout.
2. BFF having a better day.
3. Angie - going to Nathan's Eagle Court tonight.
4. One last day wearing a skirt and sandals.
5. Starbucks and their awesome smoothies.

P.S. It's supposed to be 72 degrees today - love, love, love this weather.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010 - Hump Day

Half-way through my week. Sometimes the first week back after being gone is a very, very long week. I'm trying to get back into the "really focused" mode that I was in prior to leaving.

I spent last week in Salt Lake to the Public Treasurer's Academy, hosted by the University of Utah. It was a great week, probably the best academy we've had so far. I am currently Co-education Director, along with Elaine Openshaw from Payson, for the Utah Association of Public Treasurer's. We were able to help select topics and teachers for our academy, and it was very rewarding. Karen Winningham, from the U is responsible for the academy and contacting the teachers. We are always so lucky to have high caliber teachers, most of which teach master's classes at the U. We also had the State Treasurer, Richard Ellis, there for a little bit and a half day class with Deputy State Treasurer, David Damschen. David is a regular with us and we are always excited to see him.

That was just a little background for today's gratitude's:

1. I'm grateful that I enjoy learning new things, that I don't fight change (too much) in the workplace.
2. A job that encourages us to stay current with changes in the workplace, especially since I work with finances and our economic times - well - pretty much suck.
3. Renon, what can I say, my BFF.
4. My basically happy spirit, I don't stay down too long, and I like being happy.
5. Faith and hope for a bright future.

Have a happy hump day.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November 2nd

Gratitude's for today:

1. Justin coming in 3 weeks!!!
2. Living in a free country where I have the privilege of voting.
3. Another morning of no excuses.
4. Alma (the book of).
5. Cuddling with Baxter every morning.

Now, if you haven't voted yet - get out there and vote NOW!

Monday, November 1, 2010

HaPpY NoVemBer OneTh

Happy, happy first of November. It's a beautiful day in Cedar City, the temperature is supposed to get to 62 today, imagine November 1st and 62 degrees. My toes and legs are loving the extended fresh air of skirts and sandals.

Starting today I will be posting 5 things each and EVERY day that I am grateful for. This will be a stretch for me, not because I don't have 5 things daily that I'm thankful for, but because I'm going to post about those 5 things. It's such a good idea to turn our thinking to gratitude. So here goes:

1. I'm grateful today for the beautiful sunshine so my toesies can breath freely.
2. I'm grateful today for the fact that my whiny voice didn't win out for the extra bed time this morning, and Rick and I actually worked out.
3. I'm grateful today for Rick, that he's patient with me and that he loves me.
4. I'm grateful today to have a job that I love. I don't really love the first day back after a week's absence, but I do love my job.
5. I'm grateful today that I have a nice, safe home to go home to at the end of my work day.

What are you grateful for today?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

October 20, 2010

Well, I finished the Book of Mormon challenge. I completed it between the morning and the afternoon sessions of General Conference on Saturday. It was a great feeling to know that I had completed the challenge and I was excited to get started again. I didn't have any "ah-ha" moments reading this time or during conference, but I felt assured that my Heavenly Father was mindful of what I had accomplished and my desire to live closer to Him.

Conference was awesome. There has been a lot of talk about Elder Packer's talk on same sex attraction. The world would like the L.D.S. Church to change it's view on same sex attraction, but what the world seems to miss is that what is taught by our leaders comes by way of inspiration, you don't just change our beliefs to fit the world's criteria. I don't believe that God will ever change his mind on SSA. When and if God changes his mind, we will be taught through our living Prophet about the changes.

We are taught that we should love everyone, that it's not up to us to judge. We should love as the Savior taught - unconditionally. I don't believe that I will EVER be asked to make the choice between my religion and those I love who have chosen a different lifestyle. A loving, kind Heavenly Father will sort things out. He knows what is in our hearts, and only He can be the judge.

The world always talks about the separation of church and state. Why is it that the different groups don't campaign, harass, push the "state" for the changes they desire? If it's equal rights they want, the stand of the Church on SSA will not affect this.

I know there are those that really suffer trying to reconcile their beliefs with their SSA. I don't have the answer about how we can help them come to terms with either living a straight lifestyle and staying active in the Church, or living the gay lifestyle. What I do know is that they need our love and support.

Okay, soapbox is put away.

Running/walking continues, I'm not seeing as much progress as I would like, but it will come.

I'm spending next week in Salt Lake attending the Utah Association of Public Treasurers' Academy at the University of Utah. We are at their Sandy Campus and staying at the Cottontree Inn on 106th South. I'm really looking forward to getting away and just relaxing. OH - there always a "little" shopping to be done also. We have classes all day, every day, except Friday. I'll be home Friday night.

I'm reading The Book of Mormon again, and I will finish before the end of the year. I'm enjoying reading and remembering the chronology of events. I'll try to post next week and keep myself on track with my exercise. For now I'm done. I think I'll read "My Name is Memory" on my iPad.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Another week in paradise

I just love this picture. Baxter walked over to the couch the other night and just flopped his head down on Rick's chest. Rick wrapped his arm around Baxie and scratched his belly. You can tell that they are both very content to stay just where they are.

Running this week - well running/walking, getting better. My legs felt like they weighed a ton this morning, but what a mental boost is gives me just getting up and moving. I have worked out 3 days this week, missed yesterday, but will go again tomorrow. It makes me excited to continue and, hopefully soon, start to notice an improvement both in distance/time and spare tire deflation.

Shay and I have talked about our desire to run in next year's 1/2 marathon. This year was the first and they had over 500 participants, some of which were friends of mine. It started at Woods Ranch, up Cedar Canyon and came down into Cedar, then around some city streets before finishing at the Main Street Park.

Then there's the Redrock Relay that starts at Brian Head and goes through Cedar, Veyo, St. George and ends up in Springdale. This is a team relay and you can have up to 12 team members, and we think we should do this too. We could form a team of Bonzo's and Cowan's and call ourselves the "cowabonzo's", I think that's pretty clever. Hahaha! Anyway, I need to keep working out to get in better shape.

Scripture study continues. I'm in 2 Nephi Chapter 10. I need to push it a little so I can finish Friday, October 1st. It's funny, I'm getting excited to start all over again on General Conference weekend.

So, how's your week going?

Friday, September 17, 2010


Okay, I've been a slacker. I only worked out once this week - ONE TIME. My spare tire isn't deflating very quickly.

On a positive note, I'm doing very well with my Book of Mormon reading. I'm in Heleman and should finish right before General Conference.

I just finished the 3rd Hunger Games book, Mockingjay. Enjoyed this book as much as the others. I read a spoiler about the ending on Facebook, but I still enjoyed the book. I wasn't quite as shocked about Prim dieing, and that was a good thing.

Next week - regrouping! I'll keep myself posted on my blog.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Mean, ornery Monday

Do you ever have days when you are just plain mean and ornery? Well I guess I do, and today is one of them. I'm only fit for my own company. I'd better put on my big girl panties and get over it.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Happy, rainy Thursday

It's a happy, rainy day in Cedar City. Fresh air, the wonderful smell of rain, pretty green lawns and bright colored flowers, HUGE raindrops with a little hail mixed in. Should go home tonight and mow the lawns, we'll have to see what the weather in Enoch has been like today. There's a big difference in the weather between Enoch and Cedar. Hopefully we got rain, but hopefully we didn't, lawns really need to be mowed, but we need the water. Nice cool night to sleep, IF the sun stays hidden behind the dark clouds, if not - hot, muggy night to sleep.

We are all happy and celebrating a little at work today. My cute little friend at work found out that her Pet Scan showed "no areas of concern". She has had cancer and her counts have been up for the past 6 months, so her cancer doctor ordered a Pet Scan on Monday. She was a glow-in-the dark friend for about 6 hours on Monday. They inject her with radioactive stuff then scan and watch it flow through her body. She is the most genuinely kind person I know and she's had some hard times her whole life. Things are looking up and especially getting brighter with the latest good news from the scan. She'll do blood work every 2 months and go see the doctor again in February.

Also, side note, I exercised again this morning bright and early. That's 3 times this week. Feel great, it really helps my attitude and makes me happier all day.

VERY happy, rainy Thursday.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Today is Tuesday, August 24th. It's my cute sister-in-law, Collette's, birthday. She got an iPad and is having a great time with it, she'll love it.

Last week I posted about life improving goals, exercise and scripture study. Well, last week I only exercised 2 times. I got lazy, stayed home with Rick one morning and just lost interest for a little bit.

My scripture study continued all week, reading about 8-9 pages each day. I'm finding that I am remembering more about the Book of Mormon because I've read it more over the past year. Things are coming together better than ever, I'm understanding it better, just a couple of examples of what happens when you do what you are inspired to do. Tonight I'm am on Alma 4. Alma is the longest book in The Book of Mormon and it used to drive me nuts until I was done. But this past year I've come to enjoy this long book, talking about wars, rumors of wars, the reign of the judges over the people of Nephi. I'm past where it talks about Alma the younger and the Sons of Mosiah trying to destroy the church and how an angel appeared to them, confounding Alma and converting Alma and the Sons of Mosiah; I really like this part. I'm now looking forward to reading, again, about the 10,000 stripling warriors, and how they were taught by their mothers. Love this part.

I have been into Spirit both Monday and Tuesday this week. Yesterday was easy, today not so much. I'm still not running a long ways, but if I'm consistent I will improve. I'm enjoying lifting weights and using the machines at Spirit. I want to firm up my arms, along with LOTS of other places, so the weights are exciting to me.

My little mom continues to enjoy her iPad. Imagine learning about the iPad at 88 years young. She's truly amazing. She loves reading her scriptures on the iPad and she also looks at Facebook each day, trying to keep up with the kids and grandkids. We are still working a little on email, that will come - then it's on to Google, Internet shopping and reading a book with iBooks, Nook or Kindle - all at her fingertips.

Surprising to me is the fact that my favorite thing to do on my iPad is read. I've always loved to read and I love holding the actual book, so I've been amazed how much I LOVE reading on my iPad. Since we got ours, the first part of July, I've already read 2 1/2 books with others downloaded and waiting. I'm finding lots of enjoyment reading again!

I'm pretty boring tonight, I'll try to find more interesting things to post about. For today, and this week probably, the is me - OUT!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Changes of life

From time to time I decide to make positive changes in my life. I'm kind of private about goals, I think that may be because if I share I'm more committed to the goal. So, today I start sharing some goals I'm working on, some days I'll fail and some days I'll succeed. This will serve more as a journal than a blog, so if you don't feel like reading personal stuff about me, that's fine and understandable.

Several months ago I had the impression to challenge the sisters in my Ward to read the Book of Mormon before General Conference in October. We had a kick off to the challenge on July 14, 2010 and suggested ways to complete the challenge by the end date. One way was to read 6.56 pages per day from 7/15/10 to 10/3/10. I went to a conference in South Carolina for a week and that totally shot my reading schedule. I'm now up to almost 9 pages per day to complete the challenge.

I've also wanted to lose a little weight and get rid of the gross love handles. I don't have much of a waist when I'm my thinnest, well now my waist is turning into more of an "outie" all the time. So, I'm determined to get back with my workout schedule which I abandoned sometime during Rick's Iraq tour.

My report for 8/16/10; I ran/walked 2 miles and lifted weights/used the machines at Spirit for 20 minutes. 20 minutes doesn't sound like much, that's all I can squeeze in because of my morning schedule at home, but it's better than nothing. I get up at 4:30 and go into town, park the car, run from Spirit around the hospital and back down Main Street to Spirit. I then go in and use the equipment. Then I go home and feed Baxter, get my fruit and sometimes lunch ready for work, then get myself ready and arrive at work about 5 minutes late. My tardieness is a goal for another day.

While I feed Baxter, morning and night, I read my Book of Mormon. This morning he ate fast and I only read 2 pages, so tonight I'll have to read the remaining 7. I am really enjoying reading again. Today I read about the tame and wild olive tree and I've tried really hard to understand the meaning. The challenge was inspired, and I know that. We are having some good experiences at church with the challenge.

So, enough for today. I'll update sometime soon, but I will be more consistent, like I'm going to be with my exercise.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Another Cute Rickism

Last night at youth corrections, for Family Home Evening, we were talking about the second coming of Christ. Antonio, the boy that is currently with us has been very interested in this subject. Rick was going over some of the signs of the second coming and he read that there would be "fanimes and pestilences". Not too sure what a fanime is but I'm pretty sure I don't want any famines or pestilences.

He also swore-he said "hell". Antonio just kept laughing about that. Rick was pretty embarrassed and I threatened to put him in orange shoes if he didn't behave. The boys at youth corrections have to wear orange shoes if they are misbehaving. Payless might just be the answer to Rick's cussing problem. Hahaha.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

New Family Pictures - Awesome

We recently had new family pictures done by Abbey Kyhl, she's amazing. Here is one of my favorites, I'll post more soon and talk about our fun experience.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lunch with good friends

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I had lunch with Carol Bowns and Dave Nyman on Tuesday at Toadz. Food was great and the friends were even better. Nothing like good company and good food to make me happy.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Shower Caps R Us

The ongoing saga continues.

42 shower caps/tooth brushes/q-tips/nail files, etc. and counting from Justin's last visit.

Looking forward to a possible fall trip to Beautiful British Columbia in September (ish) to repay his good deeds.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The story of the shower caps

Once, long ago, at Little America Hotel in Salt Lake, Justin went into the bathroom and came back out wearing a shower cap on his head and we laughed and laughed. This started what has become a traditional competition between Justin and Rick and I. Rick will claim he's innocent, not involved, not true. A couple of years ago Rick put the shower caps out at Justin's house while Justin and I took a rental car back. Over the years we've mailed, stuffed, stashed, squished and frozen shower caps at Justin's home and ours.

It's become a good competition to see who can get the most shower caps. Justin wins hands down, he's the traveler, he goes to exotic places and brings us shower caps, sewing kits, soap, whatever he can get in his suitcase, and we find his little treasures everywhere. He goes to great lengths to get more shower caps than I do. Several years ago he met me in San Diego for a Treasurers conference, it wasn't enough to get the one new shower cap daily, he started bribing the maid. He'd leave her notes and cash - yes cash - and she'd, in turn, leave numberless shower caps, which have all ended up in drawers, shoes, etc. here at home.

I get in a few punches too, but since we don't get to Vancouver very often, I have to rely on him leaving his luggage unattended just before going home. That's when I get to share my stash with him. I wonder what the customs agents think if they inspect his suitcases, they probably wonder what kind of OCD he has. It's kind of fun stuffing the pockets of his jeans and squishing shower caps between his socks. And it's not easy to get them in his luggage, he's a very neat and TIGHT packer. He's started leaving notes on top of his suitcases for me that say "step away from the suitcase". I just laugh as I stash away.

He went home from his Christmas visit this year on the 30th of December. That very night as Rick and I got into bed, low and behold, there were about 16 or so shower caps in our bed. Some were easy to get, just between the sheets, some were stashed between the mattress and mattress cover. There is always that little pyramid from The Luxor that ends up in the bed and it could really cause damage to the body.

Since the night he went home we have added 40+ to our collection, finding them in places like my laundry detergent, in clean folded towels, numerous shoes, pockets of jackets. I had added lumps in the butt of a pair of jeans, luckily I found the shower cap before leaving home. He even put some in his bed downstairs, knowing if I got a cough during the winter I'd sleep down. Well, I slept down there right after he left and found the little gifts he'd left for me.

We have shower caps from Madrid, Istanbul, South Africa, Rio de Janeiro, Paris; then there the ones from my "exciting" trips like Michigan, Spokane and San Diego.

This is a great thing for us. We tease each other, we accuse each other, we lie to each other(little white lies) and most of all we love laughing about the shower caps together. We have an awesome relationship and really enjoy each other. When I die I will request that I be buried with all the shower caps he can find at his house and mine, that should give people something to laugh about.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Day 2010

New Year - New Decade. Welcome to my life, come on in.