Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving 2010

I'm so very grateful today for many, many things and most of all many special people.

Good parents, Rick, Justin, Baxter, all the Bonzo's that spent time and effort to help make this Thanksgiving one of the best, and spending time here with us. Baxie loving the kids and being so patient and calm. A hot shower after cooking and cleaning most of the morning, Starbucks, Rick and Justin setting up all the tables and chairs for our dinner.

We had such an amazing day with Rick's family; Eric, Lisa and their family; Todd, Lorie and their family; Dayne, Cortney and their kids; David and Ione, Uncle Doug and our adopted Bonzo, Kristin. We missed Paul this year and Scott wasn't here either. We had a fabulous day, lots to eat and such good company. We enjoyed the company of 27 people today, what a blessing family is. Isn't that what Thanksgiving is all about? Celebrating family!!

Baxter says he's grateful for a a quiet house.

Happy Thanksgiving all!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The day before Thanksgiving, 11/24/10

1. Looking forward to Rick's awesome family coming for Thanksgiving, along with a good friend, Kristin.
2. The special feeling I have today of thankfulness and joy.
3. Sleeping in this morning - till 5:45. BUT no exercise today - not good.
4. Pizza Factory for lunch with my little mom and Justin.
5. Last day of work until 12/8/10, Vancouver here I come.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

1. Justin's company.
2. Spirit Fitness and my men.
3. Starbuck's.
4. Having an evening at home with my men.
5. Warm, flannel loungers.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

1. Good workout with Rick AND Justin - YAY!!!
2. A good job with people I love and respect.
3. My cute little mom and her ALWAYS positive attitude.
4. Knowing Justin is home enjoying the day with Baxter.
5. Game night at Youth Corrections.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

1. Rick and Justin going to church with me. I wasn't alone today!
2. Cute little Bonnie Bringard, getting to take her home after church, with my men.
3. Sunday dinner at Grandma Cowan's.
4. Awesome nieces and nephews who let me share their children every Sunday night.
5. Snow - not the cold, but the snow was beautiful.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

1. VERY grateful that Justin and I talked last night, otherwise he would have been stranded at the Vegas airport for about 12 hours.
2. So very grateful for the blessing of being a mother.
3. A dependable car.
4. Washer and dryer, Justin has clean bedding.
5. Rick!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

1. TGIF - it's been a busy, crazy week. And it continues.........
2. Prilosec.
3. Justin coming tomorrow - YEA!!!
4. Beautiful November weather - at least for today.
5. Water.

Kind of weird gratitude's for today, but honest.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Happy 89th Birthday to my Cute Little Mom

So very grateful today for the many blessings of family.

1. My best friend, my little mom. Such a great example of enduring to the end - graciously. She's been without her sweetheart for over 25 years, and she still pushes forward.
2. Her example of love.
3. That I just recently realized where my argumentative nature comes from - HER.
4. That she forgives me when I'm short tempered with her, I would never hurt her feelings on purpose, but sometimes I act like a jerk.
5. That she's still here with us, loving us, leading us by her example and just being our little mom.

I love you mom, so glad I get to be with you and daddy forever!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Gratitude's for today:

1. Justin is on his way home from South Africa. I love that he is able to travel so much, but always glad when he gets back home again. Besides, he still needs to travel again, this time "home" for Thanksgiving and to pick me up, so I can go home with him.
2. Enoch First Ward had our "Year in Review" last night with popcorn and drinks - AND - Rick went with me. Our Ward is awesome and he feels loved even though he seldom sees the good people in our Ward.
3. Lunch with my little mom today.
4. Pizza Factory!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

November 16, 2010

1. Integrity, even though it's so hard sometimes to do what is right, knowing someone is going to be unhappy with you.
2. The beautiful blue sky I saw on my way to work this morning.
3. The heater under my desk, allowing for one more day of sandals.
4. Just 4 more days until we pick Justin up in Las Vegas.
5. Reading the scriptures, wrapped in an afghan, while Baxter eats on the patio.

November 15, 2010

1. The auditor's at work. They've been great AND they are done!
2. Subway - my favorite Monday lunch place.
3. Reading on my iPad, can't believe how much I use that silly thing.
4. Going home to Rick and Baxter, who had a great day together.
5. Youth Corrections and getting to know Chase better.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

1. No meetings to attend other than regular Church meetings.
2. Kipp Lewis. He's going to Canada on a mission and he talked today about not being interested in a mission, going to church, reading the scriptures, etc. He told of spending time with his cute "Grimshaw" grandparents and talking about the Gospel while having lunch and the special feeling that was in their home. This made his decision clear, and he enters the MTC tomorrow.
3. The very strong spirit that was in Sacrament Meeting.
4. The Relief Society sisters, and being able to serve them.
5. Going to moms for Sunday dinner and spending time with my awesome family.

AND a 6th today, so grateful that Alayna was able to go home with her cute little family, that their new baby will stay "put" for a while longer.

I LOVE my families!!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

1. The rewarding feeling of a clean house.
2. Spending time with my cute little mom and visiting aunt Pat.
3. The beautiful fall day that is was.
4. Attending Worldwide training, listening to the instructions and feeling the spirit.
5. Finally crawling into bed at the end of a great day.

November 12, 2010

Much to be grateful for today.

1. Going to the Temple with little Bonnie Bringard.
2. Feeling the Spirit at the Temple such a calm, happy feeling.
3. All of us looking alike in the Temple.
4. Spending time with some of my favorite Ward Family at the Temple.
5. Feeling refreshed at the end of the day.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Veteran's Day 2010

What can I say:

1. The Veteran's in my life, Rick, David, Randy, Shay and my precious dad.
2. The feeling of awe saying the Pledge of Allegiance and singing The Star Spangled Banner.
3. Flags.
4. Living in a free country, because of the brave service of our veteran's.
5. My veteran's license plate.

Salute our veteran's and give them the respect they deserve.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Gratitude's for today:

1. Warm sweaters on cold days.
2. Having a Friday on a Wednesday.
3. Pillows. Big, soft pillows on my bed.
4. A bagel for breakfast. I know they aren't as healthy as once thought, but hey, it's early in the day and those carbs will be gone by bedtime. I love bagels.
5. Water, what would I do without a big bottle of water on my desk every day? I drink tons of water every day. Love, love, love water.

Happy Wednesday/Friday.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Crazy day in my world.

1. VERY competent people in the office. Customers can be very mean and almost impossible to be nice to. I work with THE best people.
2. Treadmill in the basement so I didn't have to leave home this morning to work out.
3. Crockpots.
4. Car seat warmers.
5. Baxter's toy, "oink", together they make me smile.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Gratitude's for 11/8/10

I was a slacker over the weekend, I didn't even get on the computer, so no gratitude's for Saturday or Sunday. However, that doesn't mean I didn't have much to be grateful for, like dinner with my cute little mom on Saturday and awesome Church on Sunday.

1. The cuddly warmth of the furnace this morning and the feeling of contentment it brought. It gave me the feeling of the holiday's.
2. Cute little Bonnie Bringhard going to the Temple on Friday, which I just happen to have off. She's worked hard and is looking forward to June when she and Sam can be sealed.
3. Rick and Baxter still in bed when I left for work. No work for Rick today, just work at home with Baxie.
4. The beautiful fall leaves on my little "droopy" tree in the front yard. I'll post a picture later this week.
5. Three (3) work days this week. YAY for me!! That means work at home, but that's good.

Happy Monday!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Friday, November 5, 2010

Today's gratitude's:

1. Susan Lewis - she's amazing and such a good example to me.
2. My neighbors - I live on the bestest street.
3. Enoch First Ward - the most loving, accepting Ward.
4. Lunch with my iPad - by myself.
5. Friday night at home with Baxter.
6. Nix the night with Baxter - going to the Ward party with cute little Bonnie Bringard.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

November 4, 2010

Gratitude's for today:

1. A hot shower after a good workout.
2. BFF having a better day.
3. Angie - going to Nathan's Eagle Court tonight.
4. One last day wearing a skirt and sandals.
5. Starbucks and their awesome smoothies.

P.S. It's supposed to be 72 degrees today - love, love, love this weather.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010 - Hump Day

Half-way through my week. Sometimes the first week back after being gone is a very, very long week. I'm trying to get back into the "really focused" mode that I was in prior to leaving.

I spent last week in Salt Lake to the Public Treasurer's Academy, hosted by the University of Utah. It was a great week, probably the best academy we've had so far. I am currently Co-education Director, along with Elaine Openshaw from Payson, for the Utah Association of Public Treasurer's. We were able to help select topics and teachers for our academy, and it was very rewarding. Karen Winningham, from the U is responsible for the academy and contacting the teachers. We are always so lucky to have high caliber teachers, most of which teach master's classes at the U. We also had the State Treasurer, Richard Ellis, there for a little bit and a half day class with Deputy State Treasurer, David Damschen. David is a regular with us and we are always excited to see him.

That was just a little background for today's gratitude's:

1. I'm grateful that I enjoy learning new things, that I don't fight change (too much) in the workplace.
2. A job that encourages us to stay current with changes in the workplace, especially since I work with finances and our economic times - well - pretty much suck.
3. Renon, what can I say, my BFF.
4. My basically happy spirit, I don't stay down too long, and I like being happy.
5. Faith and hope for a bright future.

Have a happy hump day.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

November 2nd

Gratitude's for today:

1. Justin coming in 3 weeks!!!
2. Living in a free country where I have the privilege of voting.
3. Another morning of no excuses.
4. Alma (the book of).
5. Cuddling with Baxter every morning.

Now, if you haven't voted yet - get out there and vote NOW!

Monday, November 1, 2010

HaPpY NoVemBer OneTh

Happy, happy first of November. It's a beautiful day in Cedar City, the temperature is supposed to get to 62 today, imagine November 1st and 62 degrees. My toes and legs are loving the extended fresh air of skirts and sandals.

Starting today I will be posting 5 things each and EVERY day that I am grateful for. This will be a stretch for me, not because I don't have 5 things daily that I'm thankful for, but because I'm going to post about those 5 things. It's such a good idea to turn our thinking to gratitude. So here goes:

1. I'm grateful today for the beautiful sunshine so my toesies can breath freely.
2. I'm grateful today for the fact that my whiny voice didn't win out for the extra bed time this morning, and Rick and I actually worked out.
3. I'm grateful today for Rick, that he's patient with me and that he loves me.
4. I'm grateful today to have a job that I love. I don't really love the first day back after a week's absence, but I do love my job.
5. I'm grateful today that I have a nice, safe home to go home to at the end of my work day.

What are you grateful for today?